Course of Study

The following outlines the coursework required to complete the MA in Psychology: Psychological Science concentration. All courses are in the Department of Psychology (PSY).

Program of Study

Semester 1 (Fall)

  • 5020: Research Methods (3 s.h.)
  • 5530: Foundations in Psychological Science (3 s.h.)
  • 5310: Cognitive Processes ( 3 s.h.)
  • 5015: Research Seminar (1 s.h.)

Semester 2 (Spring)

  • 5030: Quantitative Methods (3 s.h.)
  • 6340: Seminar in Social Psychology (3 s.h.)
  • 5330: Developmental Seminar (3 s.h.)
  • 5015: Research Seminar (1 s.h.)

Semester 3 (Fall)

  • 5998: Thesis Prospectus (3 s.h.)
  • 5400: Research Practicum (3 s.h.)
  • 5015: Research Seminar (1 s.h.)

Semester 4 (Spring)

  • 5999: Thesis (3 s.h.)
  • 6320: Biological Bases of Behavior (3 s.h.)
  • 5015: Research Seminar (1 s.h.)

Total s.h. = 34

 Information to Note

  1. The student must be enrolled and on campus for two years beginning in the Fall semester.
  2. Please note that additional hours may be required to maintain eligibility for some assistantships (usually up to 9 credits each semester).
  3. Students interested in graduate teaching assistantships (GTA) in their second year should also take PSY 5011, Teaching of Psychology, during the first year Spring semester.
  4. Students selected to teach as a GTA during the second year are required to take PSY 5011 each semester they are teaching (e.g., both semesters during second year).