The following outlines the coursework required to complete the MA in Psychology: Psychological Science concentration. All courses are in the Department of Psychology (PSY).
Program of Study
Semester 1 (Fall)
- 5020: Research Methods (3 s.h.)
- 5530: Foundations in Psychological Science (3 s.h.)
- 5310: Cognitive Processes ( 3 s.h.)
- 5015: Research Seminar (1 s.h.)
Semester 2 (Spring)
- 5030: Quantitative Methods (3 s.h.)
- 6340: Seminar in Social Psychology (3 s.h.)
- 5330: Developmental Seminar (3 s.h.)
- 5015: Research Seminar (1 s.h.)
Semester 3 (Fall)
- 5998: Thesis Prospectus (3 s.h.)
- 5400: Research Practicum (3 s.h.)
- 5015: Research Seminar (1 s.h.)
Semester 4 (Spring)
- 5999: Thesis (3 s.h.)
- 6320: Biological Bases of Behavior (3 s.h.)
- 5015: Research Seminar (1 s.h.)
Total s.h. = 34
Information to Note
- The student must be enrolled and on campus for two years beginning in the Fall semester.
- Please note that additional hours may be required to maintain eligibility for some assistantships (usually up to 9 credits each semester).
- Students interested in graduate teaching assistantships (GTA) in their second year should also take PSY 5011, Teaching of Psychology, during the first year Spring semester.
- Students selected to teach as a GTA during the second year are required to take PSY 5011 each semester they are teaching (e.g., both semesters during second year).